Adventures with the Blue Tornado! Vol. 1

So, I've always wanted to give bicycle commuting a try. Since I found myself in Myrtle Beach, with a great deal of spare time and no car, I thought it was time for a new adventure. Wayne, the guitar player here in the band, has kindly leant me his blue Schwinn cruiser, which I subsequently dubbed 'The Blue Tornado', for the remainder of my stay. Here a are a few nuggets of wisdom that I've gleaned thus far:

1. If you're on a bike, you don't matter.

2. Bicycle Lanes are viewed as more of a 'lane extension' by motorists, not as a lane exclusively for bicycles.

3. If another driver throws something at you, it's just better to duck and avoid, while smiling, than exacerbate the situation by retaliating. They are in a car, you're on a bike. You'll always lose.

4. On a rainy day, you'll get wet. You're the one that decided to ride a bike!

Navigating the traffic minefield between the various hotels and hovels I've been staying in has been exciting. Sort of like a video game, but with real consequences. I've survived my morning ride to Starbucks and now it's time to head over to the theatre to play the 2pm matinee of Hooray for Hollywood!


Action Shot w/ the Blue Tornado

The Blue Tornado